The Little House

Burton, Virginia Lee. The Little House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. Print.
Genre: Picture Book, Fiction.
Grade Level: K-12
Summary:  The Little House is a picture book about a little house built in the country. The little house was very happy where she was built. She enjoyed watching the day turn from day to night, and the seasons go by. However as much as she loved the country, she grew curious about the city. Eventually the city expanded so much, it began to be built around her. City life was not everything the little house had hoped for. She could no longer enjoy the night sky because the city lights were too bright and the seasons were not as apparent either. To the little house’ luck, the great-great-granddaughter of the man who built her recognizes her in the city and decides to move her back to the country. The little house is happy to be back where she belongs.
  • Setting: The country and the city
  • Theme: The grass is not always greener on the other side & environmental issues
  • Point of View: Third person
  • Characters: The little house, the man who built her, and the great-great-granddaughter of the man who built her

Lesson Sketch:

Something that I have recently learned is how important and amazing picture books are. I loved this book and how versatile it is. This book is one of those picture books that can appeal to all grade levels because it holds so many themes. Books really are the best when it offers various ways to be interpreted. For the lower grades this could be a book that helps them learn about the seasons. Other things that this book touches upon that could be used for students to really think about and discuss is the idea of belonging, the idea that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and environmental issues. This book also allows students to integrate other subjects such as visual and performing arts and science.

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